About Us
At Turkey Street Community Church, we believe in a God who isn't distant but wants each of us to know him better and enjoy a relationship with him. Everyone is a work in progress and there are no 'sorted' people. We all carry guilt, shame, and failure, but we find purpose, freedom, and hope in the good news of Jesus, his death on the cross and his resurrection.
Come and join us!

Everyone is welcome on Sundays – you don’t need to be a ‘good’ or ‘churchy’ person and you don’t need to wear anything special.
On Sundays we will always open the Bible and hear God speak to us through his word. We will sing songs that worship God and we will talk to Him in prayer. We also love sharing food together and so we end our Sundays with a hot meal.
Our Sundays are family friendly and we don't mind children making a noise at our gatherings!
Sundays @ TSCC
Weekly Schedule
TSCC Sunday Gathering - 10am
Come along at 10am for a cuppa and a chat before we start our time of worship at 10.30am. We will spend time singing, talking to God in prayer, and listening to the Bible being taught. We will then have a hot lunch together afterwards.
Grow Groups - 7.45pm
A chance for us as a church family to look at the Bible together and in prayer. We start at 7.45pm and finish around 9.15pm.
Together - 10am (term time only)
A Bible Study for the women of the church and a time of fellowship together. Come along at 9.30am for Coffee & cake, before we begin our Bible Study at 10am.
Community Hub - 1pm (term time only)
Come and drop in on Fridays between 1pm and 3pm for some coffee & cake, get to know us, and receive practical help through our Grace Advocacy initiative.
Meet Some People
TSCC is made up of people from all walks of life and backgrounds - Here are just a few examples, including our elders who lead and care for the church family - They'd love to meet you and chat about any questions you might have!

Gareth serves as our pastor and as one of the church elders. He is married to Jenny and they have four children plus two dogs. Gareth enjoys DIY and supports Liverpool football club...oh dear!

David serves as one of our elders at TSCC and is an active member of the community, helping out anybody where he can, whilst injuring himself when playing cricket or golf. David is married to Janet and they have six children.

Wincey is usually found singing loudly on Sundays and she does a great job in carrying everyone else along with her, but during the week she works in cyber security. Wincey is married to Valentine and they have three children.

Sophie serves the church family in many ways, including in the kitchen - She has a hard job trying to stop her husband and daughter from taking the last bits of cheesecake during our church lunches which we have each Sunday after the service.